1. VIP program

If you're not at $10,000 leave this blank, we will get you there soon enough
1 / 13

2. Where can we find you on social media?

*all optional
2 / 13

3. How can we get in contact with you as fast as possible?

*all optional
3 / 13

4. What is your full name?

4 / 13

5. How old are you?

5 / 13

6. What is your current monthly revenue?

*all optional
6 / 13

7. What monthly revenue is your goal?

7 / 13

8. How much time do you have to achieve that goal?

8/ 13

9. What phone model do you have/ how many others do you have access to?

*all optional
9 / 13

10. Where are you located?

10 / 13

11. What are your english speaking skills from 1-10

11 / 13

12. Are you comfortable with Tiktok?

*not particularly dancing videos, we will advise you on the content you create
12 / 13

13. Tell us about yourself, as much or as little as you want!

13 / 13
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